
caviar recipe
102 view(s) 6 min read

What Does Caviar Taste Like?

Have you ever wondered what caviar tastes like? Discover the unique flavour profile & sensory delights of this celebrated delicacy for first-time tasters.

Discover the Various Types of Caviar at Fine Food Specialist
612 view(s) 3 min read

Discover the Various Types of Caviar at Fine Food Specialist

Caviar is an adored delicacy amongst chefs and food fanatics, providing people with the ultimate taste of luxury. If you’re a caviar expert looking to further explore the many varieties of this fine food, or you’re just beginning to appreciate the qualities of caviar, then keep on reading to discover the taste opportunities that are awaiting you…

Introduction to the World of Caviar
677 view(s) 3 min read

Introduction to the World of Caviar

Caviar is a delicacy that has been enjoyed for centuries. The caviar world possesses a certain mystifying quality which can sometimes be a bit intimidating for the uninitiated. We often encounter customers who are eager to embark on their own caviar journey, but are simply unsure of where to start.

This feature aims to help you navigate the caviar world with confidence. Caviar is a term that refers to the lightly-salted eggs of sturgeon, an ancient scaleless family of fish. Within this there are three main species that are most commonly used to produce caviar:  beluga, oscietra and sevruga. Salmon roe and tobiko are not true caviars, but they are often referred to as ‘alternative caviars’.