A message to our customers regarding Coronavirus

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A message to our customers regarding Coronavirus

UPDATE: Due to the new Tier 4 Covid-19 restrictions, our Customer Service line is currently closed.  Please email support@finefoodspecialist.co.uk and we will respond as quickly as possible.


In light of the uncertainty we all face in our daily lives with the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), I wanted to write to you directly to keep you informed of the steps I’ve asked my team at Fine Food Specialist to take to ensure we are prepared for all scenarios. My absolute number one priority is the safety of our customers and staff.

Hygiene is critical

There’s a lot we still don’t know about Coronavirus, but health authorities have been clear that maintaining good hygiene is absolutely critical. We will be following all UK Government guidelines as and when they are issued, and we will keep you updated with any changes to our usual operating procedures.

We, and the majority of our suppliers, will be operating as usual for the foreseeable future, however we do anticipate shortages on certain items, due to the uncertainty caused by the current pandemic. Fresh meat and poultry items may see some shortages, however we will substitute where possible. We will get in contact with customers if their orders will be impacted by these delays.

Commensurate with current UK Government guidelines on preventing the spread of Coronavirus, we have instituted hand-washing and sanitising protocols in addition to our normal Health & Safety and Food Safety procedures.

Our couriers have also advised us that they are taking steps, in line with current UK Government guidelines, to address the risk of Coronavirus with respect to their handling of deliveries.

If you have any specific questions regarding our response to Coronavirus, please email support@finefoodspecialist.co.uk.

Drogo Montagu | Founder